Monday, July 1, 2013

I went shopping with Scheaffer

Thursday night my best friend, Tiffany, came for a visit!  We shopped, ate, stayed up late, and shopped just a little bit more over the course of 4 days.  I had told her about the blog Pinterest Told Me To and let's just say that after this weekend I've made her a believer.  It was like having Scheaffer with us everywhere we went, and I can honestly say that girl knows what she is doing.  

I'm not going to waste any more time, because if a picture is worth a thousand words I've got a lot to say.  

(My Version)

So, I should point out the obvious now....I have NO IDEA how to take a picture of myself.  Sheaffer makes it seem like it's no big deal....well, it is harder than it looks!  Any pointers...I need help!

I also need to point out that my next two outfits were totally "Sheaffer Insprired".  I had never seen them on Pinterest, because I wasn't looking!  But I'm so glad Pinterest Told Me To!!

(My Version)

(My Version)

So glad my wardrobe is being changed up a bit.  These three looks are completely new for me and nothing I would have been bold enough to put together myself.  What's great is I pulled up Sheaffer's blog at least 10 times while at the mall's a great guide...and stylish!!!


  1. HEATHER!!! I am DYING at this post!!!!! Thanks for loving the blog and thanks for sharing it with your friend. I appreciate that SO much! And you look FANTASTIC in all 3 looks! I think my favorite is your white with the neutral blazer. It looks so polished! And listen, I'll go shopping with you anytime!!!!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Sheaffer :)
