Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer Time

This is the best time of the whole year!  Neither kiddo is in school, we keep activities to a minimum and I get to plan the day around fun activities...usually involving a pool!!!  This is also the time I feel really guilty being a stay-at-home Mom.  My husband works very hard, he enjoys his job (which I'm very thankful for), but if given a choice I'm pretty sure "pool time" would win out over job....EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

I also am not as motivated to clean the house, cook dinner, or dust during the summer either.  I think that is where most of the guilt comes from.  Drew comes home from a long day at work and everything looks exactly like it did when he left.  He proceeds to ask us about our day and I rattle off all the things we have done....go to the gym, library, grocery store, hit the pool, played outside with the neighbor kids, and rode bikes.  Whew!  I'm tired...not a good thing to say to a man that has been up since 6 am!  Honestly, Drew has never said or implied that he thinks what I'm doing is wrong, but I know that the sole reason I'm able to live like I do is because he works so hard.  I also know he is thankful that I do stay home with the kids, that I'm teaching them even during the summer about manners, serving others, science, math, how to brush your teeth properly and the list goes on and on!!

So my goal for the remainder of the summer is to enjoy this time with the kids, because I know it is fleeting, and to show my husband a little more often how much I appreciate what he does for me and the kids.  How do you handle the guilt of being a parent?

                                                                (I love my two guys!)

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