Friday, May 10, 2013

Being BOLD

I thought I would jump right in and tell a little bit about myself...I'm BOLD!  Like the doctor's office makes you wait 40 minutes with an antsy 3 year old ( and not 1 germ-filled toy in the waiting room) I have to voice my frustration.  Or when I recently mailed a check to one of my friends and when she received it the envelope had been shredded and the check couldn't being cashed.  So this BOLD Mom goes to the post office (I know you see where this is going already!) and shows the mail woman the photo my friend texted me with the shredded envelope.  She proceeds to tell me that I'll have to pay the new postage to resend it.  Really?!?!  Please, explain how that makes sense.  The funniest thing is even when she tries to mumble out why--she is hearing her sorry explanation and knows it doesn't make a bit of sense. She finally says she'll add the postage.  Some might think was it really worth the effort when I could have added my 46 cent stamp and been on my way...for me it is, when you are BOLD it is hard to just let things go.

It's like having curly hair and wanting it straight, and straight hair girls would love to have curly!

Tall girls wanting to be shorter and shorter girls wishing they were just a tad taller!

Timid girls wish they were more vocal while us more vocal girls wish we could be a little more timid!

My friends who are more reserved applaud my boldness and express interest in being more bold themselves. I look at their constraint and wish I could have that laid back personality.   But then I'm reminded of the times when my boldness was used to help others....when a homeless family was outside of Target and I stopped to give them food and money, when 2 teenage boys were pulling a third kid on his skateboard behind their car and I stopped to tell them that  in a blink of an eye this fun could turn to tragedy (and the driver said, thank you ma'am), or when I left my family for a week and went and served the people in Haiti!  That's when I realize my boldness can be used for good, and it's up to me to choose to use it in that way.

It's definitely a work in progress and I've had my not so finer moments when my BOLD attitude has not been used in a good way. Manners are still important even with a bold attitude!  My husband and I are planning to build a house soon.  We've already discussed that my BOLDNESS needs to be kept in check. That is one of my prayers -- that the very personality that God has blessed me to have will be used to glorify HIM!

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